Feb 16, 2022
Stop what you're doin’, cause I’m about to ruin, the image and style that you’re used to! We have two very successful real estate agents on this episode who give a fresh take on resisting negative people who want to keep you down. Kaylen is with her friends Bruce Phillips who is a primary agent at RE/MAX Lake of the Ozarks, and Maclean Kelly, a former primary agent who is now a team member with Team Jane Kelly.
One of my favorite sections is when Bruce and Maclean discuss WHY you need a realtor and the great value in choosing the best realtor for your real estate transaction.
They also share some GREAT tips on how to handle certain people in your circles that you have to deal with on a regular basis.
Bruce is a long-time local and I love what he shares about how the Lake of the Ozarks has changed over the years. I also love how Maclean shares his excitement about the future of our lake area. Thank you both for being on the podcast and being examples of what it looks like to THRIVE in the Real Estate Industry!
You can connect with Maclean:
fb: @macleankelly
You can connect with Bruce: